Monday, June 5, 2017

I Killed My Pepper.

We've got tomatoes, some peppers, cucumbers, beans, corn, celery, eggplant, watermelon, pumpkin, cabbage, onions, carrots, leeks, brussel sprouts, lavender, basil, oregano, mint, chives, parsley and oregano.

When you go on an interview and they ask you what your biggest weakness is I will always say I am over eager. Not only is it the truth but it's a trait that's helped me nail several interviews.


  • Don't plant your peppers in April! I boasted about planting early to other gardeners and look what happened. Garden karma!
  • If your cucumbers look sad don't toss them. I almost did that but they all of a sudden had a growth spurt. 
  • I've been told by several experienced gardeners that dish soap and water will keep the bugs away. It coats the plant so they can't adhere if I am correct. Cross your fingers. No one likes bugs in their veggies. 
Life goes on. 

A close friend of mine said I was getting too serious with it and I said no not serious I just don't want any of my kids to die! There was no response to that statement. It's that moment where you feel a little crazy but you're happy so obviously it's working.

I hope to be able to share the garden this year with as many as possible and I would like to get some over to the neighbors. Last year we had just moved was late June...and it was a bust! Not exciting at all. So never to early and never too late. I think we will be ok this year tho.

The sun will come out on Wednesday!
